IPSC BasicsAlthough the roots of the IPSC shooting are in the military applications, IPSC is developed solely as a sporting activity (as well as karate, aikido, biathlon, etc.). The IPSC has its own olympic games held every three years - The World Shoоt. The most supreme achievement in this sport is the title of the World Champion. In IPSC a competitor must combine accuracy, speed and control of the power of the weapon in a winning combination.
The competitor's result from a stage is determined by the the points scored from the course of fire minus the
penalty points (if any), divided by the time it took to complete the stage, accurate to the forth number after the decimal
point (e.g. 28 points / 6,80 sec = 4,1176). This is the so called "Hit Factor" for the stage of the given competitor.
The competitor with the highest hit factor for a given stage is declared a stage winner and receives 100 points
for the overall standings. The other competitors receive less than 100 points for the overall standings, based on
the ratio of their hit factor to the stage winner's one. The overall standings for a given competition are
based on every competitor's sum of points from all stages shot. All the calculations are done with a special software: Match There are two methods of evaluating the score from a stage: "Virginia Count" and "Comstock". When using the Virginia Count method, the number of rounds a competitor must fire is fixed. Any extra shot is penalized with -10 points. It is used only for scoring of some of the classifiers, consisting only of paper targets. The Comstock method is used in the most cases. It does not imply a fixed number of rounds that must be fired. Each paper target must be hit at least two times as the best two hits per paper target are scored. Each metal target must be taken down, оtherwise a miss is scored.
In IPSC handguns, shotguns and rifles are used. There are some requirements for the minimum power factor of the ammunition used, which are described in details in the relevant rulebooks. In order to avoid the superiority of one competitor over another because of the weapon and modifications used, the weapons are grouped into divisions based on their types and modifications made. For example, according to the current IPSC handgun rules the following divisions exist: Open, Standard, Modified and Production for pistols and Standard for revolvers. What is common for the guns in all the divisions is that they all use large caliber ammunitions. Most of the leading gun manufacturers in the world do offer specially designed for IPSC versions of their production: CZ, Glock, STI, STS, Tanfoglio, Sphinx, Sig Sauer, etc. Besides the heavily modified sport versions of the guns used in the other divisions, in the Production division only factory weapons with no improvements are allowed. All the requirements for the weapons in the different divisions are detailed in the relevant rulebooks. |
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